All the words you need to understand the Best Food Hotspots in Berlin video, using Memrise's award-winning memory techniques.
what restaurant do you like?
in welches Restaurant gehst du?
I would like a kebab with everything
ich hätte gerne einen Döner mit allem
to treat oneself (with a sweet treat)
sich etwas Süßes gönnen
it is made with love
es ist mit Liebe gemacht
kebab is a beautyfier
Döner macht schöner
I'll take the usual
ich nehme das Übliche
that's so amazing!
das ist so krass!
bread fresh from the oven
ofenfrisches Brot
freshly squeezed orange juice
frisch gepresster Orangensaft
the family business
der Familienbetrieb
to have breakfast
I would like (to have something)
ich hätte gern
by all means; absolutely
with it; in addition; for this purpose
pretty; fairly; quite
I have a stomachache
ich habe Bauchschmerzen
the restaurant
das Restaurant
to bring (along)
once before; ever
schon mal