All the words you need to understand the Quebec's Ageing Population video, using Memrise's award-winning memory techniques.
78 words/phrases to learn
the time; the weather
le temps
it's good for you
ça fait du bien
the population
la population
to raise; to increase; to turn up (volume)
a class; a lesson
un cours
a piece of advice
un conseil
to like (something); to love (someone); to enjoy
the government
le gouvernement
the tax system
la fiscalité
to hold onto; to maintain
the step (stairs)
la marche
the job; the work; the labor
le travail
the maintenance
le maintien
to experience
have to; need to; must
il faut
the people (persons)
les gens
the investment
the society (community)
la société
the power; the potency
la puissance
the impetus; the urge
a habitation
une habitation