All the words you need to understand the The Gulf Stream is Slowing Down video, using Memrise's award-winning memory techniques.
90 words/phrases to learn
to push; to grow (plants)
the mass (weight)
la masse
the temperature
la température
an atmosphere
une atmosphère
the United States
les Etats-Unis
to complete; to finish
the race (competition)
la course
an increase; a pay increase
une augmentation
a tendency; a trend
une tendance
the debit; the flow
le débit
to predict; to provide for
a consequence
une conséquence
to know; to be familiar with
the rib; the coast
la côte
the floor; the ground
le sol
a destruction
une destruction
the city; the town
la ville
a disappearance
une disparition
a habitation
une habitation
to shove; to push over
an ocean current
un courant marin
the conveyor belt
le tapis roulant
the whirlwind
le tourbillon